Carol began practicing family law in Toronto in 1994 and has devoted her work to family law for over 30 years. Carol's family law practice has been enriched by her membership in numerous professional and private voluntary activities including:
A virtual law office is one that does not have a physical office while maintaining the full operation and services that clients have come to expect from a law office. In my office my staff and I work remotely. This affords us a great deal of flexibility and passes on significant cost savings to clients. The office utilizes current technology with Office Management Software and encrypted data management of client materials that is used by most law offices today, whether virtual or not.
Clients attend meeting by zoom or teleconference at their elective. In person meetings can be arranged if a client wishes to do so. We are extremely flexible. This format has proven to be welcomed by our clients who do not have to take time off work to travel to an appointment. Clients are able to review documents, make changes, sign affidavits, attend questioning, attend settlement meetings and fully participate in all aspects of their legal journey just as they would in any law practice. Cost savings continues with court attendances when they are scheduled by the court to occur by zoom. Wasted time in court waiting rooms is reduced.
All client documents are securely stored digitally removing the need to maintain paper files. This just one of the small ways in which we are committed to doing out part to be environmentally conscious. Clients can maintain their own files and documents while providing necessary documentation as needed through use of PDF files sharing.
We are open to negotiating a flexible payment schedule for clients who require one.
We accept legal aid.
Call us at 519-538-9929 or by cell 437-329-4637, or contact us online.